
Friday, May 30, 2014

Homemade instrument.

Homemade Instrument

Task: Create instructions on how you will make your instrument including the materials needed, step by step instructions on what to do, and explanation as to how the sound is made.

This doc is a really rough outline for setting out your writing. You should use images and even video where appropriate.

Materials Needed:
you need a cylinder container.
A flat balloon or tape.
sticks for drumming.

Instructions for Homemade Instrument:

  1. 2 paper towel rolls
  2. hole punch
  3. 4 jingle bells
  4. string or yarn

Explanation of how sound is created:
I’m going to explain how to make a homemade drum.
Punch a hole in each end of the paper towel rolls. Tie two jingle bells to each side of the paper towel rolls by running string or yarn through the holes and carefully tying off.

When you shake it you will hear jingle bell sounds.

The main reason I am making this instrument is because it is quite easy.

Now you can see how to make jingle bells.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Science Roadshow.

On friday morning class 2 and 5 went to the science roadshow at Tamaki College. We left to go there at 8:45 because we needed to get there early. As soon as we got to school we started to get ready to leave.

When we got there we lined up outside the hall to listen to this really tall man that welcomed us there and he was telling us what we are going to do when we go in there and the types of things that are in the hall.

As soon as I walked in I could already see these experiments set up for us. I sat on the chair and there was a table in front of us and a projector thing. There were three people that introduced themselves, there were two men and one lady.

Once they introduced themselves we did our first experiment. The lady got three people to do the experiment. The experiment was about your senses. Iisa had to try and guess something.

The second experiment was to see how much oxygen in our lungs. Emmanuelle blowed into this machine looking thing and the blue water turned light brown and then her oxygen went into the machine and it showed us that she had 2 litres of oxygen.

After that there was another experiment for us to see and it was to see how tall you will be when you’re 20 years old. Anthony stood next to the tape measure and he was 150cm tall and it showed that he would be 180cm when he’s 20 years old.

When we finished that we headed off to do our own experiments. Out of all those experiments my favourite was the big explosion. That was my favourite because it was really loud and booming, it sounded like a big thunder bomb.

Friday, May 23, 2014

How does a musical instrument create sound?

Do you think that a guitar is probably one of the easiest instruments to play, because I do. I think that because I see many people playing this instrument around the school, also I’ve played it myself and it is quite easy. A guitar to me means calming sounds when you strum.

Do you know the parts of a guitar. Well, there is the head, theres tuning pegs, the strings, frets, sound hole, rib, body and bridge and many other stuff.

Sound is produced when you strum the strings. When you strum the guitar the sound comes out of the sound hole which turns into sound waves and moves into our ears.

First put your left hand fingers on the neck of the guitar and use your right fingers to strum on the body part of the guitar. Once you start strumming there will be sounds coming out of the sound hole on the guitar.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Funnel Ears Experiment

Science experiment:

Question: What will happen to the sound if I change the shape of a piece of paper? (e.g. from a flat shape to a funnel shape)

Links to research about Sound:

Hypothesis: (What do you think will happen?) e.g. I think that….

Materials needed:
Paper, tissue, tape.
Experiment (procedure):

e.g. Step 1 - First hold a flat piece of paper against your ear. Block your other ear with your hand. Get your partner to speak to you. What is the sound like? Can you hear clearly?

Step 2 - Next, roll the piece of paper into a funnel shape. Put the funnel against your ear. Face the funnel towards your partner and listen to them speak. What does it sound like? Can you hear clearly?

Step 3 - Next, face the funnel to the side while your partner speaks to you. Does it make a difference to the sound that you can hear?

Step 4 - Put some cotton balls or tissue paper into the funnel to block one end. Does it make a difference to the sound you hear? Is the sound quality the same?

Step 5 - Next, roll the piece of paper up and face one end of the paper roll towards your partner. Listen to your partner speak. Is there a difference to the sound you hear?

Step 6 - Finally, turn to the side with your paper roll and listen to your partner speak. What is the sound like?

Data (What happened?)

flat piece of paper
Didn’t make any difference.
funnel facing to the front
it made a little echo sound.
funnel facing to the side
My partner has a Clearer voice.
cotton ball or tissue  blocking the narrow end of the funnel
rolled up piece of paper (facing to the front)
sounds normal.
rolled up piece of paper (facing to the side)
Voice sounds clearer and louder.

Observations: (This is your description of what happened)
So, When I used the flat piece of paper it didn't make any difference. When the funnel faced the front it made an echo sound. When I put the cotton ball into the funnel my friends voice sounded like a baby voice. When I rolled it up facing the froont it sounded normal. And when I rolled it up facing the side their voice sounded louder and clearer

Conclusion: (Was your hypothesis correct? This is your summary of the experiment)
We put the piece of paper and face it in different directions to test out the sound when our friend talks into the paper.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Science experiment.

Science experiment:

Question: What will happen to the sound if I cut the straw shorter?
The sound would go higher.

Links to research about Sound:

Hypothesis:  I think that it will make a funny sound.

Materials needed:
Straw & Scissors

Experiment (procedure):
Step 1 - Organise what you need  

Step 2 -  cut the end of the straw into a triangle

Step 3 - cutting it to 3 or 2 centimetres

Step 4 -  then blow into the straw

Step 5 - you will hear a noise

Data (What happened?)
I blew threw the straw and it made a low pitched 

Sound. What Can I hear?

Sound: What can I hear?

Team 5’s Inquiry focus this term is about Physics and the Science of ‘Sound’.

What types of sounds can you hear?
e.g. phone ringing, siblings, t.v, talking, music.
e.g. people talking, music, jokes, laughing.
e.g. children laughing, screaming, crying.
e.g. cars whizzing past. Thunder, rain, wind.
Which sounds do you like listening to? Why?
music. because I like listening to music.
Laughing. friends. Because..
Friends ,Laughing, jokes, because it makes me happy
The sound of thunder because it is like a gunshot to your ears.
Why sounds are annoying? Why?
My brother, my other brother. Because they’re loud.
teachers growling. because when i hear them growling they sound angry
Babies crying. People screaming . I get really sore ears.

Finally, think about what your world would be like if you didn’t have sound. What would it be like if you couldn’t hear a single thing, or if you had to live in absolute silence? What do you think it would be like?

At home, school or anywhere else you would hear many sounds like music, laughter, joking around, people, screaming, talking etc. Imagine if you weren't able to hear anything. It would be difficult  because you would have  to find other ways of communicating with others, using sign language would be one of the ways of communicating.

Hearing can keep you safe in many ways. When you’re crossing the road and you thought it was clear, so you cross but then out of no where a car comes. But you wouldn’t be able to hear it and then you get hit by the car.
If you were deaf you won’t be able to hear the smoke alarm when it’s going off, and  before you know it your house will be burnt. Thats is why it is really important that we can hear and have sound.

Immersion Assembly

First thing in the morning.
We went to the hall.
Immersion Assembly
New York Taxi
testing the balloons

First thing in the morning the whole school went to the hall for an immersion assembly. As I walked into the hall I could see balloons lined in the middle of the hall and there was a song playing called “We like to move it, move it”. That song was playing because that is the topic for the term.

Also there were teachers dressed up to our topic for the term. Our topic for the term is We like to move it, move it. As soon as the music stopped playing Mr Burt welcomed us backed to school.

Teams 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 teachers had an item to show in the immersion assembly.

The first thing that we did in assembly was test out some balloons and see how many balloons it takes to lift up a new york taxi!?! Once we tried it out we found out how many it takes and it was 13. After that it was time for the team items.

The first team to show an item was Team 1. Their item was about Flight and as the teachers walked up onto the stage there was a song playing that had hot air balloons showing on the screen as well. While the song was playing the were dressed up as planes and they were doing a little dance.

After that they started talking and then they had these little paper planes. After Mrs She started talking about them the they started testing them out by flying them around the hall. And some people caught the planes. Mrs Eadie was an airplane, and so were the other teachers.

When they finished their item It was time for Team twos item.
Then Team 3.
Then Team 4.
Then Team 5.